How to know if a girl is interested in you,

There are different ways to know more about people. Asking questions is also one of the way people get to know you more.
You don’t need to be told that a girl likes you when she ask some questions from you.
In this article I’ll be listing some questions a girl won’t ask you if she doesn’t like you, if she ask these below questions, she surly like you.
1. Do you think women needs to be given more attention?
If she ask this kind of question from you, it means she want to know if you can give attention, and if you support the motion.
2. How many girls have you dated before?
Whenever a girl ask this kind of question from you, she surely likes you and if at all you want to answer, make sure you don’t really give her more details. If you have lost count, don’t tell her that, don’t make her feel uncomfortable.
3. If she ask about knowing more about you.
A girl that doesn’t love you won’t ask this kind of question from you. If you see any lady asking this kind of question, then she likes you. If you want to answer, just take it easy and tell the interesting part. How you introduce yourself matters a lot.
4. Do you seek others opinion before you do something?
Don’t beat around the bush, just tell her a girl opinion matters a lot in a relationship. If you say the reverse, she can loss interest in you.
5. How will you react if you friend tells you your girlfriend is cheating. Don’t think she wants to cheat, she probably ask that question to know if you can trust a girl, even when your friend is accusing her.
6. What can make you brake up a relationship.
This is somehow hard to answer, but I will advice you to just tell her that you don’t brake up with girls no matter what unless she decides to brake up with you.
7. What type of girls do you like?
She is trying to know if your taste is her, so she actually ask this because she likes you and she probably want to date you. Well, if you like her too, you can just use her attribute to describe your taste.
8. If you have issue with your girlfriend, will you beg her first?
Just tell her you will beg her first even if she is the one at fault. She is trying to know how caring you are.
9. Can you do anything for you girlfriend to be happy?
The best answer to this, is just for you to say if it is not beyond your reach, you will do it.
10. What’s your definition of love?
Don’t use big grammar, just tell her her in a simple term. If she is impressed, you already got it.
Remember, when a girl you like ask you these questions, you should answer wisely. Don’t flop!
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