And it gets messier! What you didn’t know about Doris Simeon and Daniel Ademinokan…

Well, well, well, more and more revelations coming up – oh by the way, you all know who Daniel Ademinokan is right? And you also know who Doris Simeon is? so read on…

”Revelation about Daniel and Doris”

I have stood by in the last couple of days to see this drama about
Stella Damasus and Daniel Ademinokan unfold. I have read countless
blogs, reviews and comments from all over the world and I have come to
the conclusion that people have no clue what they are talking about.
Not hear say or assumptions. I will even mention names that can be
Let us not be distracted by this stunt that uncle Daniel just pulled
with the party and the gift. Let us focus on the root of this matter.
When we know the foundation, we will know how to direct our anger and
I lived with Daniel & Doris because my sister was close friends with
aunty Doris and at that time I needed accommodation in Lagos because my
parents were based in the south south part of Nigeria. I lived with
them when they were still on Salami Street in Mende, Maryland, Lagos and
even when they moved to their Idowu Akindele Crescent residence in
Magodo GRA, Lagos.Daniel was a good man and the perfect husband to Doris and he made her
feel special in every way. He always spoke to her nicely and was quick
to defend her in many ways. He supported her career and was determined
to make Doris rise to the top above her colleagues. He used to say that a
lot and felt she deserved to be at the top. He would always say, “Dem
Toyin, Funke, Dayo and co no fine pass you. Dem nor act pass you. I have
to position you at the top”. He did everything in his power to put her
her there. Daniel cannot come and boast to people, especially me that he
single handedly financed all of Doris’ films. HE CAN’T. He was
responsible for getting the finances but it was not HIS money entirely
that did films like ONITEMI and OMO IYA KAN. The marketer named EPSALUM
financed these films. I know that Daniel may have added about 10%-20% of
his cash at some point but it was almost insignificant. The only film
he did with his money for her 100% was the film ASIRI. So if he ever
claims he did those films for her….quote me or ask EPSALUM.

Doris was a good wife in her own right. She supported her husband’s
passion to change the industry. She encouraged him into making Yoruba
films which he really didn’t want to get into. She enjoyed the fact that
out of most of her colleagues, she was the one that had a STEADY home
with a young and successful guy…ambitious man too. She was the
minister of finance. That’s what Daniel used to call her in the house
because he always gave her all the money to handle. He would bring money
home an hand it ALL over to her because she was efficient in money
management, unlike him who was a free giver and really had no respect or
regard for money! Whether he had enough or not, he never did care so
much about cash. NEVER!

For the 4 years that I lived with them, not for ONE day did I ever hear
them raise their voices at each other in arguments or quarrels. You
would see them come out of their bedroom sometimes with weird
expressions and we would all know they just fought but you would NEVER
hear Daniel raise his voice. NEVER!

One thing that the world never know was how much both families NEVER
wanted them to get married. Doris’ parents didn’t like Daniel and
Daniel’s mother (in particular) never liked Doris. She was against the
relationship from the beginning. She is known to be a heavy prayer
warrior and she said God was against the marriage from scratch but
Daniel never listened to his mother.

Now, the HORRIBLE thing about Daniel is his stubbornness and hard headed
nature. He never listens to people and if he believes in something, it
would take a manifestation of the 10 plagues in Egypt to change his
mind. He is an extremely stubborn and very determined person. Which was
one thing I hated about him. Yes he is nice, loving to his family and
friends but do not think for a minute that you can convince him easily
to change his mind when he has already formed an opinion or decided on
what he wants to do.

He went on with the marriage. His family believed that Doris trapped him
with the baby but that is a big lie. I have always disagreed with his
mother on that note: I respect the woman but Doris DID NOT trap Daniel
with a baby. They were already living together for 3 years before David
was born. So the woman should get her facts straight. Her son (I
believe) wanted the child as much as Doris did.

I think along the line Uncle Daniel started to realize that in many ways
he and Aunty Doris were different. Much different than he had thought. I
believe Doris started to relax on several things because she felt she
had her husband and he was going nowhere. He was always very expressive
about his love, she was the opposite. He would run around the house and
want to play love games with her but she thought that was a waste of
time and energy. I personally experienced that with them on several
occasions. I guess Doris was more concerned about how people perceived
the relationship on the outside and not how sweet it really was on the
inside. She always wanted pictures of them out there. Daniel was more
concerned about making his marrige very “Oyinbo-ish” because that’s who
he has always been.

At some point I started to feel that Daniel started getting tired of her
excuses about being expressive with her feelings even in the house. I
think it suddenly dawned on him that they were from two different
worlds. Their command of English was too far apart, their ideologies
were different, approach to situations, educational background, family,
upbringing, etc. I believe she just stopped being his wife and turned
herself into a MAMA in the house. I remember him buying her all sorts of
short clothes and sexy outfits from the US. I thought they were too
daring but he didn’t mind.

The marriage meltdown goes as far back as 2009. I know that I heard them
talking in hush tones a few times about how sex was a problem in the
marriage. I know for a fact that Daniel used to joke about it around the
house but you could see he was serious in those jokes. He was always
clowning about how he had to fill forms like an embassy to have sex with
his wife. I know at some point it was so bad that for almost 6 months
they didn’t do anything. One thing I can tell you for a fact is that in
the course of their marriage, Daniel never cheated on Doris. This was a
known fact and EVERYONE knew how crazy he was about his wife but
really….is lack of sex enough to ruin a marriage?

Some people Daniel confided in where his bosom friend ALEX EFFIONG who
was there when Daniel and Doris hooked up originally. I know I overheard
Daniel and Alex talking about it in the editing studio at the BQ in
Magodo. Two other people I know for a fact that Daniel confided in when
he was in America where his friends BUKKY EBUN of Nollywood View and
‘LAMIDE DAVIES TALABI. You can ask them because they are on Facebook.
These two people will tell you the whole story and how they tried to
step in to advice. Even Bukky came to the house in Magodo at some point
when she visited Nigeria. She came with KAHA the singer. That’s how I
found out. He was desperate to save his marriage that’s why he took
drastic steps to talk to people.

I blame Doris in some ways because she just relaxed, trusted that
everything was OK and that her marriage was going to last forever. In
marriage, you gotta keep working to make it good.

What annoyed Daniel the most was when he found out his wife had a shop
that he didn’t even know about. He found out from outsiders and when he
confronted her, she said she was trying to surprise him. That really
pissed him off! He was enraged! This was when he grabbed his son and
left! Daniel was a very, very patient man but I hate the way he did it.
He just left!

While everyone was celebrating the happy lives these people shared, the
marriage was already over!! They were just patching things up! They kept
holding on because of “What people would say”.
Doris also messed up in certain ways because she could not fight to keep
her man. She was too comfortable and never imagined that Daniel would
get frustrated and leave. Not in this lifetime. I could see it in his
eyes everyday that he was just tired of struggling to make it all work.

Look for people like ALIU SHORINMADE who was his personal assistant for 5
years. These were the people who knew Daniel very well and how he
avoided women like a plague. Let them tell you facts. Let them tell you
truths. Stella Damasus did not break up Doris Simeon’s home. That home
was scattered long before Stella came into the picture. I believe Daniel
got the attention that he craved so much at home in someone he
considered a friend and sparks flew.

When i read that Daniel moved to Abuja and was being taken care of by a
woman, I laughed because the people saying this have no idea who Daniel
is. He is so arrogant in certain ways that he would rather die of hunger
than take a dime from any woman. HE IS THAT KIND OF MAN! He will be too
embarrassed to take a dime from any woman. The dude is a
workaholic….I give that to him. Films, Fashion, Documentaries,
Writing, Photography, Music, Publishing, Visual Effects, name it! He is a
master at them all.

There is so much I know and if all these names I mentioned here deny anything…they are lying! I can open a big can of worms!

Look for ALIU and ask him to tell you about the girl BLESSING that DORIS
brought into their house that stayed for almost 3 years. Daniel sent
her away from the house over 4 times and Doris kept bringing her back.
Why? Nobody knows! Can never be explained! He NEVER WANTED THE GIRL IN
THE HOUSE but she kept bringing her back. We know that at some point
Daniel discovered that this girl was sexually abusing Daniel’s son

If all the parties involved think I am lying, let them confront me! Let
them deny it! Daniel cannot deny it! Doris cannot Deny it! Aliu cannot
deny it! They know the truth!! There is a girl called SUNMISOLA that
used to visit the house some weekends then. She was close to
Doris…find out and ASK HER TOO!

All I can say is that Daniel and Doris deceived EVERYONE for a long time
about how good the marriage was even when everything was BITTER and
SOUR! So those hating on Stella are really wasting their time because
scattered them that led to their divorce in 2011. If any of them claim
I’m lying, let them challenge me.


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